Denimist is an innovative and leading company in denim chemicals, textile chemicals and leather chemicals. The professional technical support together with the high quality of our products have made Denimist an irrevocable partner.
No type of clothes has been attractive and demandable as more as denim . It gives direction to fashion now. It is not only the source of fashion trends but it rests to be universal and practical. Denim is also covers all social classes.
Textile products have been in our life since many centuries. In today’s challenging textile industry we offer our partners to be one step ahead from their competitors.
Requirement of high quality and functional denim has forced industry to new production techniques and finishing processes. Depending on user requirement, more light, more flexible, more durable and more fashionable denims take place of basic denim.
As well as quality of physical properties of leather, processing and finishing makes leather a desirable material.